We collaborate with International, European and national institutions and organisations, as well as regional and local clubs. Explore free online course and toolkit in topics like modernisation and sport innovation, health and mental well-being, coaching, volunteering, equality and inclusion in sport.
Modernisation and good governance
CHANGE project
Erasmus+ funded
The CHANGE project will contribute to the promotion of integrity and values in sport by focusing on promoting and improving good governance in sport. The organised sport movement will be equipped to adopt innovative governance approaches, tailored for grassroots sports, to build sustainable and innovative ways to tackle present and future challenges.
CHAMP project
Erasmus+ funded
The online course has 5 modules. By completing all five modules, you will gain knowledge on how to modernise your sports club, gain new members, improve the economy and financial aspects, communicate, work with volunteers, and more. The course also includes interviews with various European sport clubs
EQUIP project
Erasmus+ funded
EQUIP partners believe that equality should be approached from an intersectional lens in which every European citizen can freely and safely participate in sport regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, physical ability, race and/or ethnicity, religion, age or any other discriminatory criteria.
SCORE project
Erasmus+ funded
Strengthening coaching with the objective to raise equality’ (SCORE) is a European project supported by the Erasmus+ Programme, led by the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO), which promotes equal opportunities, namely gender equality in coaching.
Health and well-being
SPIRIT project
Designed by SPIRIT project
The aim of the project SPIRIT is to develop a framework for humane, inclusive and empowering coaching and sport clubs that nurture mental wellbeing. The implementation of the concept of positively humane coaching can decrease drop-out levels in sport, thus increasing physical activity and improving public health.
Sports as Value project
Erasmus+ funded
One of the main focuses is on the organisational development of sports clubs, organizations and federations within the grassroots sports movement in a structured, dynamic and systematic way. The other objective is about the personal development of sports professionals – coaches, managers, event organisers or club leaders – to learn about how to transfer values through sports activities and how to organise sustainable events with cross-border cooperation and cultural inclusivity.
ASPIRE project
Erasmus+ funded
ASPIRE – Activity, Sport, Play for the Inclusion of Refugees in Europe – was an international project, co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and led by ENGSO. The project focuses on social inclusion of people who are at risk of exclusion, especially refugees.