Gender Equality, Socioeconomic Status, People with Disabilities, People with Diverse SOGIESC, Racial Discrimination, Ethnicity, Migration and Human Rights
ENGSO has been a frontrunner in pushing for equality in and through sport for decades, building networks and projects, and organising events that promote equality and advocate for European sport policy that supports the efforts of the sports movement in reaching equality.
To ensure a strong commitment to reaching these objectives, the Equality Within Sport (EWS) Committee was created as a hub of expertise on equality. The mission of EWS is to activate and inspire European sport organisations to act on equality, through active advocacy work, education and awareness-raising, strengthening cooperation with ENGSO member organisations and other sport bodies.
Action plans

Sport & Equality
In 2024, will research the impact of EU Gender Equality in sport action plan and LGBTIQ Equality Strategy.

Sport for Equality
In 2023, the plan focused on LBTQI+ women as one of the key themes the action plan researches and promotes.
Published: 2023

Equality in sport
In 2022, LGBTQI+ in sport was one of the key themes the action plan researched and promoted.
Published: 2022

Equality-Action Plan Design Guide
Tackle inequalities in your club or federation.
Published: 2023
Online courses and manuals

Activity, sport, play for the inclusion of refugees in Europe
For representatives of sports clubs and sport organisations across Europe to initiate new, innovative solutions to manage the modern sport organization. Designed by ASPIRE project.
Published: 2018

Step in for inclusion: inclusion of youngsters with disabilities
The toolkit focuses on raising awareness of both young people with disabilities and their able-bodied peers on the importance of running adapted sport activities. Designed by ENGSO Youth.
Published: 2020

Sporting Inclusion and Diversity: SPIDI video manual
The SPIDI video manual includes fun and simple games which facilitate inclusion (through sport). The activities are easy to adapt, play and understand. Designed by ENGSO Youth.
Published: 2019

Guide: hosting inclusive events
Guidelines to help event planners organise events that create a welcoming environment for everyone.
Published: September 2024

Position: Participation of LGBTQI+ Youth in Sport Governance
Specific attention is given to LGBTQI+ youth.
Published: July 2024

Position paper on gender equality
Despite efforts since the creation of the European Women in Sport network, gender equality in grassroot sports is not happening.
Published: 2023

Top policies and practices
Created by EQUIP project and the Panel of Equality Experts, which includes individuals and organisations who have recognised expertise.
Published: 2022

Research: women in sport
The research focuses on the intersectionality aspect of the LGBTQI+ community in Europe, and specific attention is given to women in sports.
Published: November 2023

Main findings: women's participation in sport
Specific attention is given to women in sports.
Published: November 2023

Research: LGBTQI+ in sport
The aim of the research was to collect data on the current state of LGBTQI+ within European sport, specifically focusing on the LBTQ women.
Published: 2022

LGBTQI+ good practices that make a difference
Designed to bring useful inspiration for sport organisations and policy makers.
Published: 2022

Inclusion of trans women in sport
Learnings from the on-going discussion on inclusion of trans women in sport. Document published by ENGSO and initiated by the Equality Within Sport (EWS) Committee.
Published: 2022

The main aim of the EQUIP project is to improve equality in sport in Europe through the practical and sustainable implementation of the existing good practices and policies.

The project addressed how sports clubs could best support the inclusion of migrants and refugees building on the wide popularity of sports and other forms of physical activity.

Score promoted equal opportunities, namely gender equality in coaching, and focused on increasing the number of employed and volunteer women coaches at all levels of sport.